

  • Python 3.8 or later

  • 2.0.1 or later

Python Virtual Environment

The following steps describe how to install errbot and the discord backend into an isolated python virtual environment.

These instructions assume you have access to discord with a bot account configured. For information on how to setup the bot account see

1. Create a virtual environment for errbot.

python3 -m venv <path_to_virtualenv>
source <path_to_virtualenv>/bin/activate

2. Install errbot and discord backend.

pip install errbot err-backend-discord

3. Initialise errbot and configure discord.

errbot --init
  1. See the Configuration section for configuration details.


Changes to the backend are maintained directly in the github changelog and you are encourage to review them before upgrading the backend.

Upgrade notes


Enable Message Content intents

The backend has been updated to use v2.0.1. The module has moved from v7 to v10 of the Discord API. Message content intents support has been added. You must explicitly permit the bot to have access to Message Content via the Discord bot user interface.

Python 3.7 support has been dropped

The v2.0 discord module has dropped support for Python 3.7 so you will be required to upgrade to at least Python 3.8 to run the discord backend.


The backend code has been restructure to follow the source layout.

Some of the class definitions were moved into their own files for easier maintenance. DiscordSender and DiscordPerson are now located in discordlib/ while DiscordRoom, DiscordRoomOccupant and DiscordCategory are in discordlib/

If your plugin imports these classes, the import code will need to be updated to use the new location.